Tagged: remove

Purge Expired Ads

Purge Expired Ads

Purge Expired Ads is a fully automated plugin for removing expired listings for your Classipress site. This plugin will save you a lot of space on your hard drives. This plugin requires Classipress theme...

Remove Detached Images

Remove Detached Images

With Remove Detached Images plugin you will be able to delete all unnecessary images in your WordPress installation. It also works with all AppThemes themes. Why I should use this plugin? I have created...

Remove Counter from Dashboard

Remove Counter from User’s Dashboard

This post is about a short modification that will hide the counter from user’s dashboard. The easiest way is to remove or comment out two lines of code from two files: Step 1 Open...

Switch off counters on front page

Classipress has 3 positions where you can show number of ads per categories. Two of them represent huge impact on SQL server. Here are my recommendations: Search Drop-down Options Show Ad Count – OFF...