Paid Ad Features

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29 Responses

  1. Noorul idil says:

    Hi buddy,

    Can this plugin set:

    1. Featured Ads 7 days
    2. Featured Ads 14 days
    3. Featured Ads 21 days


  2. Alavi Mohamed Roomi says:

    Where can I upload Ribbon?

  3. Noorul idil says:

    Hi Blaz,

    I buy this plugin and just notice that the version 1.7.1 mentioned that this plugin will not work on membership package. Correct?

    Possible to have option for that? I want this to function in membership package too..

    • Blaz says:

      The plugin will still work for users with membership packs, only at the moment when users purchased membership pack the plugin is not called anymore, because there is no use calling it.
      When user is purchasing membership pack, features aren’t a part of purchase at that moment, so no use of calling the plugin at that moment.

      Hope I answered your question.
      Kind regards,

  4. EH C says:

    I just purchase paid feature ad, but its not working with my child theme, below is my child theme’s css]
    how to make it work?? Please helppp

    .post-block-out {
    margin: 0 0 15px 0;
    -webkit-border-radius: initial;
    border-radius: initial;
    box-shadow: none;

    .post-block-out, .sidebar-block {
    box-shadow: none;

  5. EH C says:

    Thanks for the fast and very good support its working now with the double lines and now im testing with the background and feature ads

  6. Arif Attari says:

    What is “Auto select free features” on new version?
    What dose it means..

    • Blaz says:

      Sorry for this. I forgot to mention this in the post.
      It means it will automatically select free features that you created with this plugin on input page. User can still deselect them.

  7. Arif Attari says:

    When i make a feature ad (like give border) with Checked “Featured ad” option from plugin . After Duration “Sticky” ad not remove. It’s still show as “Sticky” after time duration which i set.

    Is there any way, that after time duration the ad will shown as normal ad.

    • Blaz says:

      Hello Arif,
      I have tried this on my dev site and it is working correctly. Can you please provide more details for you problem like screenshot of features and plugin settings.
      Send data to email.


  8. Noorul idil says:

    HI Blaz,

    is this plugin still work with CP 4.0

  9. wgraff says:

    Hola si quiero poner un borde pero el anuncio ya fue publicado como se puede hacer sni republicar

  10. Ramon Mulder says:

    From what i see this is amazing! Only a few questions:

    How to remove the standard featured option? And at Ribbons why i can’t use any image there? I can put on a image over a image what says featured, right?

    • Blaz says:


      To remove standard featured option, just set its price to 0.
      Ribbon will not show on ad if you created an ad before adding ribbon to the feature.

  11. derghebell says:

    I buy zour plugin but dont work???? i look your tutorial video…but dont work….. maybe you can help me????? i have classipress 4.1.3

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