Paid Ad Features
Paid Ad Features will show additional features to the user when posting an ad. With these features you will be able to change the look of ads and make them more attractive for users.
This plugin requires Classipress theme to be installed.
Why should I use this plugin?
Well, if you think featured ad that comes with Classipress is not enough and you want to make some extra money with your site, then this is the right plugin for you.
Here are some screenshots of plugin for you to see what can be accomplished with this plugin.
So how does this plugin work and what does it do?
This plugin includes multiple features and here are the features you will be able to select:
- Feature price
- Duration in days
- Background color
- Blinking background
- Hover color for background
- Border style
- Border thickness
- Border color
- Blinking border (does not work in ClassiPress 4)
- Hover color for border
- Bumped ad – ad is displayed on top
- Ribbon – show an image from your media library
How to use this plugin
After installing the plugin you should go to plugin’s settings and there you will click on a Plus button that will add your first feature.
On the left you have “Enable” checkbox that will enable the feature. Not enabled features are not shown to users.
Next is “Feature name” and “Description” that are shown after Featured ad selection when posting an ad.
In the “Price” field you specify the price a user has to pay to get this feature.
“Duration” is time in days that this feature will be available for certain ad. After that, the feature is removed and the ad is shows as other ads.
“Bumped ad” means the ad will be shown on top of all other ads.
“Featured ad” will make an ad show as a featured ad
“Expire ad” will expire ad after duration
“Remove Featured Class” option will not show an ad as a featured ad. Child themes usually display featured ads with some ribbon, different background… If you select this, the ad will be displayed as a normal ad.
“Border Type” sets a type of ad border.
“Border width” and “Color” are basic settings for border.
“Pulse border” means the border will blink. With “Pulse speed” you can set speed and with “Pulse opacity” you can set min opacity when blinking.
“Hover color” is the color of the element when you hover it with mouse.
Same settings apply to background element.
You can combine all elements into one feature setting if you like, but pulsing on border and background at the same time will not work. In this case select only background pulsing.
As you have probably noticed there is a number shown on the left of the feature that represents the number of ads using that feature.
If you decide to delete some feature, you won’t be able to do that until that number reaches zero. So if you would like to take away a feature, first disable it. Ads using this feature will still be shown with that feature until that feature expires. After that you will be able to delete it.
Changing feature settings
You can change feature settings even if there are ads using it, but some settings won’t be reflected until a feature expires for certain ads.
These settings are:
- Duration
- Bumped ad
- Ribbon
All style features are reflected on the ads immediately.
.post-block class
Since you are all using child themes and every theme has different design you should go to your child theme style.css file and search for .post-block class. Copy it to the box and if there is a setting for background, change it to background:transparent;.
Language files included:
- English
This plugin also works with child themes.
This plugin has been tested on Classipress 3.6.x, and 4.x
Version history
2016/11/11 – 1.0.0 – Initial version
2016/11/16 – 1.1.0 – Added option to remove featured class for featured ads
2016/11/18 – 1.1.1 – Selected features now stay selected when user goes back to ad details
2016/11/24 – 1.1.2 – Corrected a bug that was not removing expired features
2016/12/01 – 1.2.0 -SEO optimization and performance
2016/12/19 – 1.3.0 – Added Ribbons feature. You can now attach one ribbon for each feature.
2016/12/20 – 1.3.1 – Fixed a bug that was applying free features automatically. Updated language files.
2017/01/06 – 1.4.0 – Added two new options: Featured ad and Expire ad.
2017/03/21 – 1.5.0 – Compatibility with EasyCPMods Toolbox plugin
2017/03/29 – 1.5.1 – Fixed a bug for background color on featured ads and a bug that was setting some ads on future status
2017/07/20 – 1.5.2 – Made some corrections for ribbon positioning
2017/07/21 – 1.5.3 – Made some more corrections for ribbon positioning
2017/07/31 – 1.5.4 – Fixed a bug that was allowing users to create an order, then go back and still have features enabled.
2017/08/02 – 1.6.0 – Added new tab to see the list of ads with active features. You can also disable the features manually for every ad.
2017/08/03 – 1.7.0 – Added minified CSS. Also added an option to warn user if he selected multiple features with Featured ad option.
2017/09/13 – 1.7.1 – Plugin is not called anymore when user buys a membership package. Users with memberships will still be able to use plugin’s features.
2018/02/26 – 1.7.2 – Fixed a background and border color problem
2018/04/17 – 1.8.0 – Added new option in settings and fixed problems with free features
2018/04/26 – 1.8.1 – Fixed some problems with ads not expiring
2018/06/28 – 1.8.2 – Fixed a bug that was showing only 5 active ads with features
2019/03/27 – 1.9.0 – Compatibility with ClassiPress 4.x
2022/06/11 – 1.9.1 – Fixed some issues with positioning ribbons
Hi buddy,
Can this plugin set:
1. Featured Ads 7 days
2. Featured Ads 14 days
3. Featured Ads 21 days
Yes, with latest version you can set this.
Just create 3 features, each for one setting. User then selects one.
Where can I upload Ribbon?
Just upload it in WP media folder with the same prefix as defined on ribbon tab.
Hope this helps.
But this ribbon coming on the ad title text not on the image. I can provide margins but in mobile view same margin cannot be used.
I see the problem. I’ll correct this and get back to you.
Kindly download the new version and try if it is working for you.
This is not working can you check this URL
Thank you for that.
I just published an updated version 1.5.3 that fixes your issue.
Kind regards,
Still not getting the expected output. I need an output like this
But what I get is
In Admin panel Ribbon Position and On Top options are not working properly. I cannot be satisfied with this plugin.
Try playing around with margins (negative also).
I could tell you the exact numbers, but your site is not accessible to me.
Hi Blaz,
I buy this plugin and just notice that the version 1.7.1 mentioned that this plugin will not work on membership package. Correct?
Possible to have option for that? I want this to function in membership package too..
The plugin will still work for users with membership packs, only at the moment when users purchased membership pack the plugin is not called anymore, because there is no use calling it.
When user is purchasing membership pack, features aren’t a part of purchase at that moment, so no use of calling the plugin at that moment.
Hope I answered your question.
Kind regards,
Understood. If that is that update means.
I just purchase paid feature ad, but its not working with my child theme, below is my child theme’s css]
how to make it work?? Please helppp
.post-block-out {
margin: 0 0 15px 0;
-webkit-border-radius: initial;
border-radius: initial;
box-shadow: none;
.post-block-out, .sidebar-block {
box-shadow: none;
Thanks for the fast and very good support its working now with the double lines and now im testing with the background and feature ads
What is “Auto select free features” on new version?
What dose it means..
Sorry for this. I forgot to mention this in the post.
It means it will automatically select free features that you created with this plugin on input page. User can still deselect them.
When i make a feature ad (like give border) with Checked “Featured ad” option from plugin . After Duration “Sticky” ad not remove. It’s still show as “Sticky” after time duration which i set.
Is there any way, that after time duration the ad will shown as normal ad.
Hello Arif,
I have tried this on my dev site and it is working correctly. Can you please provide more details for you problem like screenshot of features and plugin settings.
Send data to email.
HI Blaz,
is this plugin still work with CP 4.0
This plugin does not work with Clasispress 4.0. For now. Hop I fix it soon.
HI Blaz,
I try to use it with CP 4.0 and using only the duration, expire ad, Featured ad and bumped ad. Seems ok.
Should i continue or waiting for your update?
New version of Paid Ad Features works with ClassiPress 4. Only Pulse border is not working. Haven’t figured why yet.
Hola si quiero poner un borde pero el anuncio ya fue publicado como se puede hacer sni republicar
From what i see this is amazing! Only a few questions:
How to remove the standard featured option? And at Ribbons why i can’t use any image there? I can put on a image over a image what says featured, right?
To remove standard featured option, just set its price to 0.
Ribbon will not show on ad if you created an ad before adding ribbon to the feature.
I buy zour plugin but dont work???? i look your tutorial video…but dont work….. maybe you can help me????? i have classipress 4.1.3
Can you be more specific on what is not working?
Regards, Blaz