Purge Expired Ads
Purge Expired Ads is a fully automated plugin for removing expired listings for your Classipress site. This plugin will save you a lot of space on your hard drives.
This plugin requires Classipress theme to be installed.
Why should I use this plugin?
If you have owned a Classipress site for a while, you know there are lots of expired listings on your site. You could use theme option to delete all expired ads, but this option doesn’t give you any options and users will not be pleased if you just delete all their listings. This is why I created this plugin.
Here are some screenshots of plugin:
So how does this plugin work?
First thing to do is to set basic parameters for plugin to work like you wanted it to work.
Here is a description of settings:
Purge listing after – Specify when listing is considered purgable after it expires.
Only purge listing with images – Will exclude listings without images
Exclude admin listings – Listings from admin users will not be deleted
Send an e-mail to listing author – An email will be sent prior to deleting the ad.
Send e-mail before (in days) – How many days before purging should an e-mail be sent.
Allow re-sending of email – Sometimes you want to enable this option for various reasons.
Enable auto purging of ads – To make this plugin fully automatic. If this is not enabled, you can use all features of this plugin manually.
Maximum number of e-mails – With this setting you specify how many e-mails can be sent in one cron job that runs on daily basis.
Sandbox mode – Will not purge ads, used for testing purposes
Delete plugin data on uninstall – This will uninstall all plugin data and log file also.
After the setup is done, you will be able to see all listings that match criteria on the first tab – Purgable Ads.
If you have enabled e-mail to author option, it will not allow you to delete listing, if the mail wasn’t sent. So, first mail has to be sent and only after n days that you specify in settings, listing can be deleted. The button will not be enabled before that.
When a listing is purged, this means record will be deleted from database with all its related data and attached images. There is no going back without restoring database and files.
Not much to say here, give it a try and you will save lots of space on your drives.
Language files included:
- English
- Slovenian
It is compatible with other EasyCPMods plugins.
This plugin also works with child themes.
This plugin has been tested on Classipress 3.6.x and 4.x.
Version history
2022/05/28 – 1.0.0 – Initial version
2022/05/30 – 1.0.1 – Fixed a few minor bugs
2022/06/02 – 1.1.0 – Added option to purge only listings with images and option to exclude listing from purge list
2022/06/05 – 1.1.1 – Sandbox mode will not send e-mail anymore; compatibility with EasyCPMods Toolbox 2.0
2022/06/06 – 1.2.0 – Added option to exclude listings from admin users
2022/06/08 – 1.3.0 – Added “postpone deletion” option, so users can prolong purging of ad
2022/06/17 – 1.3.1 – Fixed calculation for occupied files
2022/06/22 – 1.3.2 – Fixed some minor bugs