QR Code Tab
This is a plugin version of QR Code mod with some additional features. This plugin will create a QR code on every ad as a new tab on widget.
This plugin does not work on Classipress 4.x. If you have Classipress 4.x then you should consider downloading Easy QR Codes plugin.
Here is the picture how it will look:
Here you can see it in action. Just open one ad and check the QR code tab on a widget.
How does it work
This mod uses PHP QR code open source generator which you have to download for this mod to work.
When an ad is shown to the customer, a small php script will call this library to generate a QR code. QR codes are saved as a files in a folder and after one day (or the time you specify) they are being regenerated. We could store QR codes indefinitely, but codes include also a price, so if a user changes the price, this won’t be reflected on QR code.
There are different settings you can set in this plugin:
– size of the code
– type of error correction
– expiry time of the code
– frame size around the code
– text under the code
This plugin will replace a file in a Classipress instalation called sidebar-ad.php. Original file will be stored to another folder and returned if you choose to deactivate a plugin.
A QR Code Generator script is required for this plugin to work. So download it from here and extract the files to this plugin’s folder.
After you activate this plugin you will have a new tab with a QR code in it.
There is also a mod version of this post. You can check it here.
This plugin is compatible with Classipress 3.2.1, 3.3.X, 3.4.x, 3.5.x.
Version history
2014/10/12 – 1.0.0 – Initial version
2015/01/19 – 1.1.0 – Made compatible with ClassiPress 3.4
2015/04/30 – 1.1.1 – Made compatible with ClassiPress 3.4.1
2015/09/02 – 1.1.2 – Made compatible with ClassiPress 3.5.1
2015/12/23 – 1.1.3 – Made compatible with ClassiPress 3.5.2
2016/01/08 – 1.1.4 – Some small corrections
2016/01/14 – 1.2.0 – Changed the way settings are saved. Integration now works on main theme, not child if you have it installed.
2016/02/25 – 1.2.1 – Some visual admin corrections
2016/02/29 – 1.2.2 – Made compatible with ClassiPress 3.5.3 and 3.5.4
2016/03/23 – 1.3.0 – Added text on top of image. Some settings changes.
2016/05/30 – 1.3.1 – Made compatible with ClassiPress 3.5.5
2016/07/01 – 1.3.2 – Made compatible with ClassiPress 3.5.6
2016/07/06 – 1.3.3 – Made compatible with Classipress 3.5.7
2016/12/16 – 1.3.4 – Made compatible with Classipress 3.5.8
2017/03/21 – 1.4.0 – Compatibility with EasyCPMods Toolbox plugin
2017/08/03 – 1.4.1 – Made compatible with Classipress 3.6.0
2017/08/08 – 1.5.0 – Added image title and alt parameters
2017/08/03 – 1.5.1 – Made compatible with Classipress 3.6.1