Faster with Stats PRO
Faster with Stats will make your AppThemes theme load faster. It works with Classipress, Clipper and Jobroller.
There is a table in Appthemes Classipress, Clipper and Jobroller installation that can become huge after some time. This table stores daily counters for every ad. Here is a plugin to speed up your AppThemes installation called <strong>Faster with Stats</strong> that will clear this table on daily basis (or manually) with parameters that you specify.
This table is used for showing daily hits per ad, so moving old values has no effect on total statistics, because for that purpose there is another table.
If you are not using history data of daily statistic for some extensive reports, you don’t need this data. And this table can get really huge. My table had more than 122.000 records and was slowing my site down.
Why is your site getting slower and slower? This table stores hit counts for every ad on daily basis, which means for every ad a new record is added every day if the ad was seen by anyone on that day. So, if you have many ads on your site, it could mean that even 1000 records will be added to this table daily, so in a few months this table will have more than 100.000 records.
It doesn’t sound a lot, but here is what happens when a user visits your web page:
Default theme in Classipress uses 3 tabs on front page and on every tab there are 10 ads by default. So this means that there will be 30 selects only on this table for every customer and this is a big impact on SQL server.
There is also a table that stores total counters for posts, and the records are not getting clared after a post is deleted. So, this plugin will also optimize that table.
Classipress, Clipper or Jobroller child theme is required to be installed on your WordPress for this plugin to work.
Here are some screenshots of the plugin:
Here is a short manual on how to use this plugin
Move records older then (in days): – Here you specify how many days of statistics should remain in the table. You can not select less then 1.
Record threshold: – Move records only if the count is larger then specified value.
Run this script: – If you specify Daily, it will be run Daily from a WP Cron job. Best practice is to run this script Daily from a cron job.
Time gained for every visitor: – This is how much time this plugin has saved you every time the page is reloaded.
Average time gained in one day: – This is an average how much time this plugin saves you every day.
Records currently in the table: – This is the number of records in the Daily statistics table. This is what is slowing down your site, so you should keep this number to as low as possible.
There are two versions of this plugin.
Basic version
- Speed up your AppThemes Classipres, Clipper or Jobroller instalation
- Show you how much time you gained with this plugin
- Language files if you would like to translate the plugin
- Moving of data can only be performed manually
- A graph showing you how much time you have gained with this plugin in last 3 months
- Option to move the data back on plugin deactivation
Pro version
Has the same functionality as Basic version plus:
- Moving of data automatically on daily basis – recommended
- Show you useful statistics that you can not see from main Classipress, Clipper or Jobroller installation
- A graph about daily hits on posts also with number of daily shown posts
- A graph showing you posts from users grouped by status of the post
- A graph showing you user data like registered users by time, number of ads by users and also a table of top users
It is compatible with all versions of Classipress, Clipper and Jobroller.
Version history:
2015/05/14 – 1.0.0 – Initial version
2015/05/20 – 1.0.3 – Added links on the top user table
2015/05/26 – 1.0.4 – Added new statistic about dead users (users without posts)
2015/05/28 – 1.0.5 – Fixed statistics about speed, Data removal is moved to uninstall stage, Minor GUI changes
2015/06/04 – 1.1.2 – Added performance checking for total counts table
2015/08/25 – 1.1.3 – Small correction for WP 4.4
2016/02/09 – 1.1.4 – Changed Y-axis for Hits tab
2016/03/21 – 1.2.2 – Some changes on options page
2016/12/08 – 1.2.3 – Minor UI changes
2017/03/21 – 1.3.0 – Compatibility with EasyCPMods Toolbox plugin
2018/03/27 – 1.4.0 – Fixed some bugs with moving data back to theme table