Easy Credit Payments
Easy Credit Payments is a plugin that will enable your Classipress site to have credit payments enabled. This means that users will be able to pay for featured ads with their credited balance, so you will not have to pay fees to other payment gateways. It is also a payment gateway.
This plugin requires Classipress theme to be installed.
Why should I use this plugin?
If you would like to make more revenue from your Classipress site, this is the plugin for you.
Here are some screenshots of plugin:
So how does this plugin work?
This plugin stores user credit so the user can use it when paying for ad features.
Since version 2, this plugin is able to work as a real payment gateway, so it has two payment type modes:
- Gateway – User pays for all features with credit on Gateway selection page
- Add-on Feature – The amount of bought add-ons is subtracted from user’s credit on feature selection page
It works like this:
- Create membership packs that will be used for crediting.
- After that go to plugin’s settings and select which membership packs will be used with this plugin and configure other settings. You can choose to have a real payment gateway or just a feature credit system. In both ways, users will be able to store credit on your site.
- After you have setup everything it’s user’s turn.
- User buys a membership pack in order to get the credit. You can setup how much credit user will get for different membership packs. It does not have to be the same number as a membership pack price. You can set this up with Price modifier field. If you enter a number without +/- it will calculate percentage, otherwise it will add/subtract the price.
- In gateway mode you can only buy membership packs that are not enabled in this plugin.
- After a membership pack is bought, the plugin will add corresponding amount to user’s credit. If you have selected to expire membership pack, it will expire at that moment. This means user will not have any membership pack active, but will have credit on his/her account that can be used for buying ad features.
- User then posts a new ad and after selecting features the selected amount will be reduced from user’s credit and you will not have to pay any fees to other payment gateways.
- If you have selected to force credit, then paying for ads will not be possible without user’s credit. (add-on feature payment mode only)
Plugin supports all Classipress payment options:
- Fixed price per Ad
- Price per Category
- % of Sellers Ad Price
- Only Charge for Featured Ads
On Active User Credits tab you will be able to see all users with active credit on their accounts and also change the amount of their credit if needed.
There is also a Log tab that will show you all information about user credits.
Language files included:
- English
- Slovenian
It does not work on versions prior to 3.5.2.
It is compatible with other EasyCPMods plugins.
This plugin also works with child themes.
This plugin has been tested on Classipress 3.6.x and 4.x.
Version history
2017/09/21 – 1.0.0 – Initial version
2017/10/30 – 1.0.1 – Fixed a small bug with forcing user credit
2018/03/05 – 1.0.2 – Fixed a bug that was giving a warning on membership purchase
2018/03/07 – 1.1.0 – Added support for Ad Packs
2018/03/08 – 1.2.0 – Added support for Category and Percentage type of charging
2018/05/25 – 1.3.0 – Added new tab to see and update actual users with credit
2018/07/04 – 1.3.1 – Corrected custom class options
2018/07/16 – 1.4.0 – Added compatibility with Classipress 4
2018/07/27 – 1.5.0 – Added logs feature
2018/09/18 – 1.5.1 – Fixed a few small bugs
2019/02/11 – 1.5.2 – Fixed a few small bugs
2019/04/03 – 1.5.3 – Fixed a small bug with <li> element
2019/05/24 – 1.6.0 – Added shortcode that can be displayed on widget
2019/05/27 – 1.7.0 – Added an option for widget text size
2019/07/18 – 1.8.0 – Added logs for users
2019/07/23 – 1.8.1 – Fixed some bugs
2019/07/26 – 1.9.0 – Added some functions and fixes to admin area
2019/08/01 – 1.9.1 – Made some visual corrections for admin
2020/01/17 – 1.9.2 – Added compatibility for Limit Free Ads plugin
2020/03/12 – 1.10.0 – Added post title field to database. Useful for logging when user deletes an ad. Please check Readme.txt for upgrade notes.
2020/10/29 – 2.0.0 – Added gateway functionality and fixed some issues
2020/11/07 – 2.1.0 – Added options for [ecp-balance] shortcode – [style], [class] or [button]
2020/11/23 – 2.1.1 – Optimization – not loading .js file if Gateway mode activated
2021/03/30 – 2.1.2 – Compatibility with Auto Bump Renew plugin & Fixed a few minor bugs
2021/04/19 – 2.1.3 – Fixed a but that was causing reloading of Processing payment page
2021/05/09 – 3.0.0 – Added Dashboard buttons for Paid Ad Features, Paid Ad Extender and Auto Bump Renew plugins. Now users can purchase features from Dashboard.
2022/01/10 – 3.0.1 – Added Font awesome to plugin, in case child theme does not support it and fixed some minor bugs
2022/05/14 – 3.0.2 – Fixed a bug in transaction history
2022/05/24 – 3.1.0 – Added colored buttons for integrated plugins (works only on Classipress 4) and fixed some payment bugs
2022/06/05 – 3.2.0 – Compatibility with EasyCPMods Toolbox 2.0; Fixed Color buttons bug
2022/09/13 – 3.2.1 – Fixed a bug with balance not changing when using Credit as a Feature