Better and easier search for users

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16 Responses

  1. Sribathi says:

    Nice, this is what we wanted. Is there a screenshot or live demo to take a look please

  2. Kyriakos says:

    I have added the code you mention, but I get the following error strpos() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in public_html/wp-content/themes/classipress/includes/search.php on line 372.
    When ever I add a drop down field as a search filter and select one of the values I am getting that mistake. I am using flatpress as my child theme .

    • Blaz says:

      I have tried it on my installation and I’m not getting this error. Let’s try this:
      If this is the line that you are getting an error
      if ( strpos($value, ‘-‘) ) {
      change it to this
      if ( !is_array($value) && strpos($value, ‘-‘) ) {
      and let me know. If it still doesn’t work, please send my your search.php file and I’ll check.


  3. bjordi says:

    hi Blaz, can you add state search to search bar near all categories in classipress 3.3?

  4. jibrail says:

    hi, thank u for sharing this mod. i have edited file but there is no change to search bar. i am using classipress 3.5.1

    • Blaz says:

      This mod is not for Search Bar, but for Search Refine. It’s a widget on a category or after you input some search criteria.

      Is this what you were looking for?

      Kind regards,

  5. Alex says:

    Nice, it works!
    I use it to filter ads by year.
    Do u think it’s posibile to use the slider from the “Price”. I tried but faild :(.

    • Blaz says:

      This requires also js to be modified and would require much more changes. Keep in mind that when a new version of CP arrives, all this has to be done again. That’s why I’m keeping modifications to a minimum.

  6. Karam says:

    hi please how we can change the search bar to filtred bar ( search by city years à ..

  7. bridge says:

    this is exactly what i was looking for.
    can we have the search in two boxes. i mean one for min value, the other for max value (cm, or m2…) ?
    and what about multi levels for instance car brand–> car models is it doable ?


    • Blaz says:


      It is not that simple to change that, since this will require changes on more than one file and then you would have more work after every upgrade. A child theme with this functionality would be a better choice.

  8. ppjoe says:

    Hi Blaz,

    it works well with CP3. Would you creat a description about that how to make this under CP4? I have more site and they all work with CP4.

    Thanks and regards


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